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Are Field Sobriety Tests Admissible in Court?

 Posted on March 06, 2025 in DUI

Joliet, IL criminal defense lawyerWhen law enforcement officers make a traffic stop because they suspect the driver is intoxicated, they usually ask the driver to undergo field sobriety testing. These tests are intended to help officers determine whether the driver is intoxicated. We get several questions related to field sobriety tests, and we hope these answers are helpful. If you are charged with a DUI, call our experienced Joliet, IL DUI defense lawyer to help you fight your charges.

Can Field Sobriety Test Results Be Used as Evidence Against Me in Court?

For prosecutors to use these tests against you in court, the officers who administered them must have followed the strict procedures established by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Standardized tests include the horizontal gaze nystagmus, one-leg stand, and walk-and-turn tests. Non-standardized tests are also used sometimes, such as asking the driver to count backward, recite the alphabet, and place his finger on his nose.

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How Common Are Medication Errors?

 Posted on February 20, 2025 in Medical Malpractice

Will County, IL personal injury lawyerA recent survey showed that 61 percent of U.S. respondents were currently taking prescription drugs, with 27 percent taking four or more different prescribed medications. In 2022, there were 6.7 billion prescriptions in the U.S. Medical errors harm or kill patients every day, and the most common medical errors involve medication.

Adverse medication events can happen in hospitals or when taking prescribed drugs at home. If these medication errors are preventable, you may qualify for compensation through a medical malpractice claim. To maximize the amount you could receive, you need to choose the right Morris, IL medical malpractice attorney to handle your case.

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7 Criminal Defense FAQs

 Posted on February 06, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Joliet, IL criminal defense lawyerMost people find it frightening and stressful to face criminal charges. Even being investigated for a crime can leave you frantic. You probably have many questions you would like to ask an experienced Joliet, IL criminal defense lawyer. We offer free consultations to answer specific questions, but this list of frequently asked questions and their answers can get you started.

Can You Guarantee That My Charges Will Be Dismissed?

No criminal defense lawyer can guarantee a specific outcome for your case. Steer clear of any who do. While we cannot say with certainty that we can get your charges dropped, we can promise to work diligently toward the best possible outcome for your case. When you work with us, you also benefit from the fact that Attorney Dave Carlson has also been both a judge and a prosecutor and has a unique ability to understand cases from all perspectives.

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Is Fatigued Driving Like Drunk Driving, and Can I Sue?

 Posted on January 23, 2025 in Truck Accidents

Will County, IL personal injury lawyerAlmost everyone knows that driving under the influence is illegal. Alcohol and drugs can cause various impairments that make driving risky. You may have also heard that driver fatigue is responsible for many motor vehicle collisions, particularly those involving large trucks. Did you know that excessive fatigue can cause many of the same impairments that drugs and alcohol produce?

How does fatigue make driving unsafe? If driver fatigue contributed to the truck accident that injured you, can you get compensation? You will need evidence to support your claim, and a resourceful Will County, IL truck accident attorney can find it.

How Does Fatigue Affect Drivers?

We all know what it feels like to be tired. Fatigue is a deeper kind of tiredness with several adverse effects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that being awake for extended periods is similar to being intoxicated. The impairments you could experience by remaining awake for 17 hours roughly equate to having a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05 percent, with 24 hours being similar to a 0.10 percent BAC. Inconsistent and restless sleep can also add to fatigue.

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What Can I Do If My Child Is Charged with an Underage DUI?

 Posted on January 08, 2025 in DUI

Morris, IL DUI defense lawyerMany teens and young adults enjoy pushing limits. Although laws prohibit them from consuming alcohol before they reach the age of 21, that does not stop all underage drinking or drug use. Illinois also has a zero-tolerance policy for drivers under 21, making it illegal to drive with even a tiny amount of drugs or alcohol in their systems. Again, this law’s existence does not mean all underage drinkers follow it.

If your child is convicted of an underage DUI, his or her future can become uncertain. The best thing you can do for your child is call a determined Morris, IL DUI defense lawyer for assistance.

What Are the Consequences of a DUI Conviction?

For drivers of any age, even a first-time DUI arrest can have severe repercussions that are worsened if subsequent DUI charges are filed. Depending on the circumstances, an intoxicated driver can be charged with a misdemeanor or felony DUI. The potential consequences include:

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Why Are LTC Patients With Dementia More Likely to Be Abused?

 Posted on December 31, 2024 in Nursing Home Injury and Abuse

Will County, IL personal injury lawyerDid you know that approximately 6.7 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease? As much as we love them, it can be overwhelming to care for these elders ourselves. Many families choose to entrust their loved one’s care to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Unfortunately, almost half of dementia patients suffer from neglect or abuse in such settings.

While Illinois has several laws to protect elders from nursing home abuse and neglect, thousands of incidents are reported every quarter, with many more that go unreported. Proving that your parents with dementia are being abused in a nursing home is challenging, but an experienced Will County, IL medical malpractice attorney can help you navigate the process.

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When Traffic Violations Impact Your Driving Job

 Posted on December 12, 2024 in Traffic Offenses

Morris, IL criminal defense lawyerWhether you received a citation for a minor traffic infraction or a serious moving violation, your livelihood can be threatened if you depend on driving for your employment. Some traffic offenses can leave you open for misdemeanor or felony charges and liability in personal injury accidents. Fines and hiked insurance rates are other consequences, along with potentially losing your license.

Even if you believe the impact of your citation will be minimal this time, it can be used to demonstrate a history of unsafe driving if you violate traffic laws in the future. An experienced Morris, IL criminal defense lawyer who understands the many potential repercussions can work with you to build a solid defense strategy. Free consultations are available.

Jobs That Rely on Having a Valid Driver’s License

In the past, most people whose income depended on driving were occupied with operating tractor-trailers, taxis, or school or public transportation buses. While truckers remain a vital link in the nation’s supply chain and people still need to use public transportation, many other occupations today revolve around driving, such as:

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Are Medical Malpractice Cases Hard to Win?

 Posted on November 28, 2024 in Medical Malpractice

Joliet, IL personal injury lawyerWhen we visit a doctor, hospital, or other healthcare provider, we expect our ailments to be diagnosed and treated correctly. Although not all illnesses are curable, physicians have a duty to provide a standard of care. Unfortunately, medical malpractice harms hundreds of thousands of patients every year and is the third leading cause of death in the U.S.

What is medical malpractice? Are these claims difficult to win? An experienced Joliet, IL attorney from Carlson Law Group, P.C. can significantly increase your chances of winning the compensation you deserve.

What Is Medical Malpractice?

Healthcare providers undergo years of focused education and training before they can practice medicine. Their oaths demand they uphold a high care standard. Medical malpractice involves negligence that results in substandard care and harms patients. Medical negligence means that someone has failed to provide the same standard of care that another similarly qualified medical professional would in the same situation.

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Can I Get My Criminal Record Expunged in Illinois?

 Posted on November 12, 2024 in Expungement

Will County, IL expungement lawyerIf you have a criminal record, it can follow you and impact your employment opportunities, loan funding, and housing options. Whether you were charged with or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense, you may wonder if you will ever escape the consequences.

In Illinois, you could be eligible for expungement or record sealing. Either option could give you the fresh start you are looking for, but it is best to work with an experienced Joliet, IL lawyer from Carlson Law Group, P.C. who understands your eligibility and the procedures that must be followed, and can present your request to a judge effectively.

What Is Expungement?

When someone is charged with a crime, it leaves a paper trail. Various documents become part of your criminal record, such as:

Why Are Truck Accidents So Dangerous for Car Occupants?

 Posted on October 28, 2024 in Truck Accidents

IL accident lawyerHave you ever noticed that when you hear about a semi-truck accident, truck drivers often escape with minor or no injuries, while drivers and passengers in cars sustain severe or catastrophic injuries? If you are injured in a truck accident caused by another party’s negligence, you may qualify for compensation. Damages are usually high in truck accident claims, meaning liable insurance companies will likely resist paying you.  

Why are truck accidents so deadly? How do you know if you are eligible for compensation? A knowledgeable lawyer from Carlson Law Group, P.C. can determine your eligibility and explain your legal options.

Trucks Vs. Cars: The Disturbing Facts

The following statistics from 2022 demonstrate how severely truck accidents can affect motorists:

  • 70 percent of truck accident fatalities are drivers or occupants of other vehicles, with 19 percent being truck occupants and 11 percent primarily bicyclists and pedestrians.

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