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Joliet Multiple DUI Defense Lawyer

Lawyer Defending Clients with Multiple DUI Charges in Joliet, IL

In Illinois, people who are arrested for DUI will face multiple types of serious penalties. While a first-time DUI is serious, the potential consequences become more serious with each subsequent DUI offense. Legal representation can be crucial in these cases, and a knowledgeable, skilled attorney can help protect the rights of a person who is facing multiple DUI charges.

At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we can provide invaluable assistance and compassionate representation as you defend against DUI charges. Attorney Dave Carlson formerly served as a Will County circuit court judge, and he also has experience as a prosecutor. With his insights into the procedures followed in DUI cases, he can help you navigate the legal system successfully and take steps to avoid a subsequent DUI conviction or negotiate agreements that will reduce your potential penalties.

Consequences of Multiple DUI Convictions

DUI charges become more severe with each conviction. The specific penalties for DUI offenses may include:

  • Second DUI: Like a first-time DUI, a second conviction is classified as a Class A misdemeanor. However, the penalties are likely to be more severe than for a first offense. A conviction carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five days in jail or 240 hours of community service. Your driver's license may be revoked for a minimum of five years, and you may also face larger fines, a longer period of probation, and the suspension of your vehicle's registration.
  • Third DUI: If you have two previous DUI convictions, you will be charged with a Class 2 felony for a third offense. If convicted, you could face a jail sentence of three to seven years, fines up to $25,000, and a minimum 10-year revocation of your driver's license.
  • Fourth or subsequent DUI: Like a third DUI, a fourth DUI is a Class 2 felony. A fifth DUI is a Class 1 felony that could result in up to 15 years of imprisonment, while a sixth or subsequent DUI is a Class X felony that carries a maximum sentence of 30 years. You will also face a lifetime license revocation.

Defense Strategies for Multiple DUI Charges

Defending against multiple DUI charges requires a nuanced and strategic approach. Courts are less likely to be lenient if you are a repeat offender, and it may be necessary to challenge the evidence against you, address violations of your rights, and determine what other options may be available to defend against a conviction. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we can advise you on whether you may be able to use strategies such as:

  • Challenging the reasons for a traffic stop: If a police officer did not have a valid reason to pull you over, any evidence they obtained during the traffic stop may not be admissible in court.
  • Questioning probable cause: Probable cause for an arrest must be established. We can review the circumstances of your arrest to determine whether it was lawful. By challenging the arrest, it may be possible to have DUI charges dismissed.
  • Contesting field sobriety tests: Roadside tests that officers may perform can be subjective, and we may be able to argue that these tests were improperly administered or unreliable, weakening the prosecution's case.
  • Disputing chemical test results: The reliability of evidence obtained through tests of your breath, blood, or urine following a DUI arrest can be questioned based on the maintenance and calibration of testing devices, procedural errors, the training of officers or technicians, or the timing of these tests. Carlson Law Group, P.C. will examine chemical test evidence to identify any potential issues that could invalidate the test results.
  • Addressing procedural errors: Violations of protocol by law enforcement during a DUI arrest or when performing chemical tests may play an important role in your defense. Carlson Law Group, P.C. will meticulously review your case to identify any violations of your rights and argue for a reduction or dismissal of charges.
  • Negotiating plea bargains: In some cases, the best course of action may be to negotiate with prosecutors and reach agreements that will allow for reduced charges or penalties. Carlson Law Group, P.C. will advise you on the best approach to take during these negotiations, and we will do everything we can to minimize the penalties and their effects on your life.

Contact Our Will County Multiple DUI Defense Lawyer

At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we can provide you with dedicated legal representation during your DUI case, focusing on protecting your rights and helping you achieve positive results, Our attorney will guide you through the legal process, ensuring that you are informed and prepared at every stage while advocating on your behalf during legal proceedings. To arrange a free consultation, contact our office at 815-710-3700 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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