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Joliet Drug Crimes Lawyer

Aggressive Drug Crime Defense Attorney Representing Clients in Joliet, IL

Offenses related to controlled substances are some of the most common criminal charges people may face. People in Will County who are charged with drug-related offenses may be unsure about how to navigate the complex legal system and defend against convictions. Legal representation can be crucial in these cases, and a skilled lawyer can provide guidance on the steps a person can take to defend against drug crimes.

An attorney with experience handling drug crime cases can provide invaluable support and representation for criminal defendants. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we take a compassionate approach to legal representation while focusing on achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. Attorney Dave Carlson understands the legal system in Will County, and his experience as a former judge and prosecutor ensures that defendants will be fully prepared to defend against drug crimes or other criminal charges. He will meticulously analyze evidence, identify weaknesses in the prosecution's case, and ensure that his clients' rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Categories of Drug Charges

Drug crimes can be broadly categorized into three types:

  • Drug possession: A person may be charged with this offense if they are found in possession of illegal drugs for personal use without the intent to distribute or sell them. In Illinois, the penalties a person may face for drug possession will depend on the types and amounts of drugs they allegedly possessed. Possession of a small amount of certain drugs may result in a misdemeanor charge, but possession of substances like heroin or cocaine that are considered to be dangerous and addictive will often lead to felony charges. Penalties can range from fines and probation to lengthy prison sentences.
  • Drug distribution: These charges involve the sale, transport, or distribution of illegal drugs. Drug distribution charges are more severe than drug possession charges, and they carry heavier penalties. The prosecution must prove that the accused intended to sell or distribute the drugs, and these allegations may be based on factors such as the quantity of drugs, packaging materials, scales, or large amounts of cash found with the drugs. Convictions for drug distribution can result in substantial fines, long-term imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record.
  • Drug manufacturing: The production or cultivation of illegal drugs may lead to charges similar to drug distribution. Activities such as producing methamphetamine, synthesizing controlled substances, or packaging drugs with plans to distribute them may lead to drug manufacturing charges. These offenses can be very serious, and convictions may result in severe penalties, including significant prison time. The law targets not only those who are directly involved in the production process, but also people who provide equipment, materials, or premises for drug manufacturing.

Defense Strategies for Drug Charges

When facing drug charges, an experienced attorney can help a defendant develop a strong, effective defense strategy. Various defenses may be used depending on the specifics of a case. Some common defense strategies include:

  • Challenging the evidence: This can involve questioning the legality of searches performed by law enforcement and addressing violations of a person's Fourth Amendment rights. Our attorney will meticulously review the procedures used by law enforcement to identify any potential rights violations.
  • Lack of knowledge or intent: It may be possible to argue that the defendant did not know about the presence of the drugs or did not intend to possess or distribute them. This defense might be applicable in cases where the drugs were found in a shared space or where the defendant had no control over the area where the drugs were discovered.
  • Entrapment: In some cases, law enforcement officers may induce a person to commit a crime that they would not have otherwise committed. Our lawyer can take steps to prove that the defendant was coerced or persuaded by the police to engage in illegal drug activity and seek a dismissal of the charges.
  • Medical necessity: A defendant may be able to show that a drug they possessed was intended to be used for medical purposes. Valid prescriptions or other authorizations to use controlled substances may play a role in a person's defense.
  • Plea bargaining: In some cases, negotiating a plea bargain might be the best course of action. A defendant may plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a reduced sentence. Our attorney can help negotiate agreements that will protect a defendant's rights and interests while helping them avoid long-term penalties.

Contact Our Will County Drug Crimes Attorney

Carlson Law Group, P.C. provides dedicated, knowledgeable representation for those who have been accused of drug crimes. Attorney Carlson will guide you through the legal process, ensuring that you are informed and prepared at every stage of your case. Contact our office today at 815-710-3700 to schedule a complimentary consultation and start building your defense.

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