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Joliet Medication Errors Attorney

Legal Guidance for Medication Error Claims in Joliet, IL

There are multiple forms of medical negligence that can cause harm to patients. These include medication errors, which can lead to injuries, prolonged illnesses, and even fatalities. These errors can occur at multiple points of the treatment process, from prescribing and dispensing to administering and monitoring. Patients rely on healthcare providers to ensure that their medications are safe and effective, and when errors occur, the consequences can be severe.

Carlson Law Group, P.C. provides legal help for people who have been injured because of the negligence of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, or other medical professionals. We understand the complex factors that can play a role in these cases, and we can help demonstrate that medication errors caused our clients to suffer harm. We work to ensure that victims of medical malpractice will be fully compensated for the injuries and damages they have experienced.

Types of Medication Errors

Medication errors can occur in many situations. Some common issues related to prescription drugs and other medications include:

  • Prescribing errors: Doctors or other medical professionals may prescribe the incorrect medications, or they may use inappropriate doses.
  • Dispensing errors: At the pharmacy level, the wrong medications or doses may be dispensed.
  • Administration errors: These errors occur when medications are given to patients incorrectly. Personnel at hospitals or medical facilities may provide patients with incorrect doses, administer medication via the wrong routes (such as administering drugs orally instead of intravenously), or they may give medications to the wrong patient.
  • Monitoring errors: After a medication is administered, failure to properly monitor a patient for side effects or interactions can lead to harm. These issues may include not adjusting dosages based on a patient's response or failing to follow up on lab results.

Causes of Medication Errors

A combination of human error and systemic issues can lead to medications being prescribed, dispensed, or administered incorrectly. Some common reasons for medication errors include:

  • Communication breakdown: Poor communication between healthcare providers, pharmacists, and patients can lead to misunderstandings about medication instructions. This can be exacerbated by language barriers, illegible handwriting, or unclear verbal instructions.
  • Complex medication regimens: Patients with multiple conditions or chronic illnesses may take multiple different types of medications. This can lead to a higher risk of errors due to drug interactions and the complexity of managing multiple medications and doses.
  • Lack of knowledge: Healthcare providers must stay updated on the latest drug information, including side effects, interactions, and proper dosages. A lack of knowledge or outdated information can lead to prescribing or administering the wrong medications.
  • Workload and staffing issues: High patient loads, understaffing, and long working hours can contribute to fatigue and oversight, increasing the likelihood of errors. Healthcare providers who are under pressure may rush through procedures, leading to mistakes when writing prescriptions or administering medications.
  • Technological errors: While electronic prescribing and medication management systems can reduce errors, they are not foolproof. Technical glitches, user errors, and incorrect data entry can result in medication mistakes.

The Impact of Medication Errors

Patients who receive the wrong medications or incorrect doses can experience issues ranging from mild discomfort to severe health complications. Some potential consequences of medication errors include:

  • Adverse drug reactions: These can range from mild allergic reactions to severe, life-threatening conditions such as anaphylaxis or organ failure.
  • Therapeutic failure: When a patient receives the wrong medication or dose, their condition may worsen due to the lack of appropriate treatment.
  • Drug interactions: Incorrectly prescribed or administered medications can interact with other drugs a patient is taking, leading to harmful effects.
  • Increased healthcare costs: Medication errors often result in additional medical treatments, hospitalizations, and longer recovery times, increasing healthcare costs for patients.
  • Emotional and psychological impact: Suffering from a medication error can cause significant emotional distress for patients and their families, leading to a loss of trust in healthcare providers.

Contact Our Joliet Medication Error Attorney

Because of the harmful effects of medication errors, it is crucial to seek legal assistance to make sure a patient can address the harm they have suffered and secure the resources needed for recovery. Carlson Law Group, P.C. works to hold negligent healthcare providers accountable for errors that have caused injuries to patients. Contact our firm today at 815-710-3700 and set up a complimentary consultation to learn how we can help you recover the compensation you deserve.

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