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Joliet Drug Possession Attorney

Attorney for Clients Charged With Drug Possession in Joliet, IL

Drug possession charges are serious offenses that can have significant legal and personal consequences. Being found in possession of controlled substances can lead to severe penalties, including fines, probation, and imprisonment. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we provide skilled representation for those who are charged with drug crimes. As a former judge and prosecutor, Attorney Dave Carlson understands the procedures followed in these cases, and he can help develop successful defense strategies.

Situations Leading to Drug Possession Charges

A person may be arrested for drug possession if law enforcement finds illegal controlled substances on their body, in their vehicle, or in their home. Multiple different types of substances may lead to arrests and criminal charges, including heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, fentanyl, or prescription drugs. Some common situations in which people may be accused of drug possession include:

  • Routine traffic stops: If law enforcement officers find controlled substances in a vehicle after pulling the driver over for traffic violations, the driver or passengers may be charged with drug possession. A person may still be arrested even if the drugs did not belong to them, as proximity to controlled substances can imply possession.
  • Searches incident to arrest: If a person is arrested for another offense, such as disorderly conduct or theft, and drugs are found on their person during a search, they can face additional charges for drug possession.
  • House searches: Law enforcement may execute search warrants at a residence based on tips or ongoing investigations. If drugs are discovered during these searches, the occupants of the residence may be charged with possession.
  • Public encounters: Encounters with law enforcement in public places, such as parks or street corners, can lead to drug possession charges if a person is observed using or carrying drugs.

Defenses Against Drug Possession Charges

People who have been charged with drug possession may be able to use multiple defense strategies with the help of an experienced attorney. Depending on the specific circumstances of a case, these strategies may include:

  • Unlawful search and seizure: The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches by law enforcement. If a search was conducted without a warrant or when an officer did not have probable cause to believe that a crime had been committed, the evidence obtained might be inadmissible in court.
  • Lack of knowledge: A person may be able to show that they did not know that they were in possession of the controlled substance. For example, if drugs were found in a borrowed vehicle, the defendant might claim they were unaware of their presence.
  • Possession for medical purposes: In some cases, people may possess controlled substances for legitimate medical purposes. Presenting valid prescriptions or medical authorization can serve as a defense against possession charges.
  • Entrapment: During criminal investigations, law enforcement officers may induce a person to commit a crime when they would not have done so in other situations. If an officer or informant coerced or persuaded the defendant to possess drugs, entrapment might be a viable defense.

Diversion Programs for First-Time Offenders and Substance Abusers

The state of Illinois offers several diversion programs that may help people accused of drug possession avoid criminal convictions. These programs provide alternatives to traditional sentencing, focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment. They include:

  • First offender drug probation program: People with no prior felony convictions who are charged with possession of controlled substances may receive probation rather than being sentenced to prison or facing other penalties. Participants in this program must complete specific requirements, such as drug education classes, community service, and regular drug testing. Successful completion of the program will result in the dismissal of charges.
  • Will County Drug Court: Will County provides an intensive program for people with substance abuse problems who have been charged with drug-related offenses. Participants receive comprehensive treatment, including counseling, medical care, and support services. The program involves regular court appearances, monitoring, and compliance with treatment plans. Successful completion can lead to reduced charges while helping people avoid drug-related offenses in the future.
  • TASC (Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities): This form of probation may be available for people with substance abuse disorders. A person will be required to perform community service, receive substance abuse treatment, and complete other requirements, and successful completion of probation will result in charges being dismissed. By participating in TASC, defendants can receive structured support and treatment aimed at addressing the root causes of substance abuse.

Contact Our Joliet Drug Possession Defense Attorney

For those who have been charged with possession of controlled substances, Carlson Law Group, P.C. is here to help. We work tirelessly to protect our clients' rights and explore all possible defenses, helping them resolve their cases successfully. Contact us at 815-710-3700 to schedule a free consultation. We are available 24/7 to assist people who have been arrested and charged with crimes.

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