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Joliet Weapons Violations Attorney

Reliable Legal Defense for Weapons Violations in Joliet, IL

The state of Illinois has laws that regulate firearms and other types of weapons. Violations of these laws can lead to weapons charges. The penalties for these offenses can be serious, especially weapons-related offenses are linked to violent crimes. While weapons laws are meant to protect public safety, the enforcement of these laws may lead to harsh consequences, and people who own firearms may need to take steps to protect their Constitutional rights.

For people in Will County who have been accused of weapons violations, Carlson Law Group, P.C. can provide an effective defense. Our attorney has a thorough understanding of the laws that apply in these cases, and he can help people protect their rights and defend against convictions. Our firm can assist with multiple types of weapons charges, including:

Unlawful Possession of a Firearm

The state requires people to obtain a Firearm Owner's Identification (FOID) card in order to legally possess firearms or ammunition. Those who possess or carry firearms without a valid FOID card can face Class A misdemeanor charges. If convicted, they may be sentenced to up to one year in jail.

Certain people are prohibited from possessing firearms altogether. People who are addicted to narcotics, have intellectual disabilities, or have received treatment for mental illnesses in mental health institutions within the past five years may face criminal charges if they possess firearms. These charges may also apply for people under the age of 18 who carry concealed weapons or people under the age of 21 who have been convicted of misdemeanor offenses other than traffic violations. In cases involving firearms other than pistols or handguns, this offense is a Class A misdemeanor. Unlawful possession of a handgun is a Class 4 felony, and a conviction may result in a prison sentence of one to three years.

Illinois also prohibits the possession of firearms or ammunition by convicted felons. Anyone who has been convicted of a felony in Illinois or another state cannot possess a firearm on their person, in their home, or in their business. A person who violates this law may be charged with a Class 3 felony for a first offense, and they may be sentenced to between two and 10 years in prison. A second violation is a Class 2 felony, and a person may be sentenced to between three and 14 years.

Unlawful Use of a Weapon

A broad range of activities involving firearms and other weapons may lead to unlawful use of a weapon (UUW) charges. These include carrying a concealed weapon without the necessary permit, possessing illegal weapons such as brass knuckles or switchblade knives, or possessing a firearm with the intent to use it illegally in a location such as a church, temple, or mosque.

UUW may be charged as a Class A misdemeanor in cases involving the unlawful possession or carrying of weapons other than firearms or the possession of concealed firearms without a permit. More serious charges may apply in cases involving illegal weapons such as machine guns or explosives. These charges can range from Class 4 to Class 2 felonies.

Carrying weapons in locations such as schools, public parks, or courthouses will often lead to serious felony charges. Carrying weapons other than firearms in these locations is a Class 4 felony. Carrying firearms in these locations may result in Class 3 felony charges, which carry a potential prison sentence of two to five years. Carrying machine guns, short-barreled rifles or shotguns, bombs, or firearms equipped with silencers in these locations is a Class 2 felony with a sentence of three to seven years.

Reckless Discharge of a Firearm

If a person fires a gun and endangers the safety of others, they may be charged with reckless discharge of a firearm. This charge does not require intent to harm, and a person may face criminal charges if they acted recklessly and put others at risk of being injured. Examples may include firing a gun into the air during a celebration or using a firearm in a populated area without regard for public safety. This offense is a Class 4 felony.

Contact Our Will County Weapons Charges Attorney

At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we can help you protect your 2nd Amendment rights and defend against accusations that you have violated the weapons laws in Illinois. We will work to ensure that you can resolve these cases successfully, minimizing the potential penalties that may apply and ensuring that you can own and carry firearms or other weapons in the future. Contact us today by calling 815-710-3700 and scheduling a free consultation.

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