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Joliet Expungement Lawyer

Experienced Expungement Attorney Helping Clients in Joliet, IL

A criminal record can affect you in many ways. Convictions for misdemeanor or felony offenses, arrest records, or other information related to criminal cases can show up in background checks, limiting your opportunities for employment or education or your ability to obtain housing or loans. Fortunately, there are ways to clear your criminal record. Expungement is often the best option, but if it is not available, you may be able to have your records sealed. By taking steps to prevent people from accessing information about criminal cases, you can receive a fresh start and move forward with your life.

Carlson Law Group, P.C. provides legal guidance and assistance to people who are seeking to expunge or seal their records. Our criminal defense lawyer can explain the available options and make sure you follow the correct procedures to clear your record and protect your future. He will advocate on your behalf and help you put issues related to criminal charges or convictions behind you so you can succeed in the future.

Options for Clearing Your Criminal Record

Depending on the types of charges, whether your case resulted in a conviction, and other factors, you may be able to use one of the following options:

  • Expungement: This process allows for the removal of a criminal record from public access. When a record is expunged, it will be erased, and you will be treated as if you were never arrested or convicted. This means that potential employers, landlords, and educational institutions will not see the expunged record during background checks.
  • Record sealing: For records that do not qualify for expungement, this option may restrict access to information about arrests or convictions. Sealed records are not visible to the general public, but they can still be accessed by law enforcement and certain government agencies. Sealing a record can significantly improve your chances of securing employment, housing, and educational opportunities, as most background checks conducted by private individuals or companies will not reveal sealed records.

Types of Records Eligible for Expungement

Expungement is usually available for records related to criminal cases that did not result in a conviction. If your case was dismissed, if you were acquitted, or if the charges against you were dropped, you will be eligible for expungement, erasing records related to your arrest and the criminal charges against you.

Most records related to criminal convictions cannot be expunged unless a conviction was reversed or the Governor issued a pardon. Certain convictions resulting in sentences of court supervision may be expunged after two years. Sentences of court supervision for domestic battery, criminal sexual abuse, driving without insurance, or reckless driving while under the age of 25 may be expunged after five years. Sentences of qualified probation in cases involving drug possession may be eligible for expungement after five years.

Eligibility for Record Sealing

While most misdemeanor and felony convictions are not eligible for expungement, records related to these convictions may be sealed. Offenses that are not eligible for sealing include minor traffic offenses, DUI, reckless driving while over the age of 25, violation of an order of protection, and certain sex crimes. In general, record sealing will be available three years after the completion of a sentence.

Procedures for Applying for Expungement or Record Sealing

Carlson Law Group, P.C. can provide assistance for those who wish to clear their criminal records. We can guide clients through the steps of expunging or sealing their records. These steps may include:

  • Initial consultation: Our experienced attorney will review your criminal record, discuss your eligibility for expungement or record sealing, and outline the steps involved in the process.
  • Gathering documents: We will help compile information such as court records, arrest reports, and any documents related to your case. We can also help gather other documents that may be helpful during your case, such as statements from people who can attest to your rehabilitation.
  • Filing the petition: We will help you prepare and file a petition for expungement or record sealing. This petition will include detailed information about the offenses in question and the reasons you are requesting expungement or sealing.
  • Court hearing: Our attorney will represent you before a judge, presenting a compelling case to demonstrate that your record should be expunged or sealed.
  • Decision: If your petition is granted, you will receive notification that your records have been expunged or sealed. We can help ensure that this process will be carried out correctly. If your petition is denied, we can advise you of your options and help determine whether you may be able to reapply in the future.

Contact Our Will County Expungement Attorney

Carlson Law Group, P.C. is here to help you clear your criminal record. Our experienced lawyer will provide you with compassionate legal help and effective representation when submitting petitions and appearing in court to request a fresh start. Contact us today at 815-710-3700 to set up a free consultation and learn how we can assist you in expunging or sealing your record.

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