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Joliet CDL Violations Attorney

Strategic Legal Defense for CDL Issues in Joliet, IL

Commercial drivers operate under stricter regulations than other types of drivers. Because they operate large, heavy vehicles that can inflict serious harm in collisions, they may face harsher penalties for traffic violations. The implications of these violations can be severe, and the loss of a commercial driver's license (CDL) can impact a driver's livelihood. The attorney at Carlson Law Group, P.C. can help commercial drivers in Joliet address traffic offenses and defend against CDL disqualification.

Types of CDL Violations

Commercial drivers may be charged with many of the same traffic offenses that apply to drivers of other types of vehicles. Certain violations are considered major offenses that can result in immediate and severe consequences for commercial drivers. A major violation will typically result in a one-year CDL disqualification for a first offense and a lifetime disqualification for a second offense. These violations include:

  • Driving under the influence (DUI): When a commercial driver is operating a commercial vehicle, they may be charged with DUI if they have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04 percent or higher. This threshold is lower than the 0.08 percent limit for non-commercial drivers. A commercial driver may also face a CDL disqualification if they are charged with DUI while driving a non-commercial vehicle. A person's CDL will also be disqualified if they refuse to submit to chemical testing of their breath, blood, or urine after being arrested for DUI.
  • Leaving the scene of an accident: All drivers who are involved in accidents are required to remain at the scene, render aid if necessary, and exchange information with other parties involved. Leaving the scene of an accident can lead to serious penalties, even if a CDL holder was driving a non-commercial vehicle at the time. In these situations, a person may face criminal charges and a disqualification of their CDL.
  • Causing a fatality in an accident: A commercial driver who is accused of operating a commercial vehicle negligently and causing someone's death will face a CDL disqualification. They may also face criminal charges for manslaughter or other related offenses.
  • Using a commercial vehicle in the commission of a felony: Any felony offenses committed while operating a commercial vehicle will result in a CDL disqualification. In cases involving allegations of drug distribution, a driver will face a lifetime disqualification, even for a first offense.

Other offenses that are considered serious traffic violations will typically result in shorter periods of disqualification. In general, two serious traffic offenses committed within three years will result in a two-month disqualification. Three serious violations within three years will result in a four-month disqualification. Offenses that may be considered serious violations include speeding more than 15 miles per hour over the speed limit, tailgating, improper lane changes, or reckless driving.

Violations at railroad crossings, such as failing to slow down, stop, or check for an approaching train, may also result in severe penalties for CDL holders. In general, a first offense will result in a minimum 60-day disqualification, a second offense will result in a 120-day disqualification, and a third or subsequent violation will result in a one-year disqualification.

Contact Our Joliet CDL Violation Defense Lawyer

For commercial drivers, defending against CDL violations can help prevent issues that could affect their careers. CDL disqualifications may prevent a commercial driver from making a living for an extended period of time, and with violations on their record, they may have difficulty finding employment even after the reinstatement of a commercial driver's license. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., our attorney can provide an effective defense for CDL holders, helping them take steps to prevent penalties that could cause difficulties in their lives. To receive a free consultation and begin taking steps to defend against CDL violations, contact us at 815-710-3700.

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