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Joliet DUI Defense Attorney

Experienced Attorney for Clients Charged With DUI in Joliet, IL

People who are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) will face a number of serious consequences. In addition to criminal charges that could lead to penalties such as fines and a prison sentence, a person may also have their driver's license suspended, they may be required to use an ignition interlock device in their vehicle, and other aspects of their personal and professional life may also be affected. To address these issues and determine the best ways to resolve a DUI case, it is important to work with a skilled, experienced criminal defense lawyer.

At Carlson Law Group, P.C., our attorney has extensive knowledge of Illinois' DUI laws, and our firm is committed to providing compassionate legal representation to help resolve these cases successfully. Attorney Carlson can identify any procedural errors or violations of your rights, ensuring that you will be able to mount a strong defense and achieve the best possible to your case.

Types of DUI Cases

The specific charges that may apply in your case will depend on the circumstances of an arrest and whether you have any previous DUI convictions. Our firm can assist with multiple types of DUI charges, including:

  • First-time DUI: If you do not have any previous DUI convictions, you will typically be charged with a Class A misdemeanor if you are arrested for drunk driving. While the penalties may not be as severe as those for repeat offenses, they can still include fines, license suspension, and jail time, community service, and increased insurance premiums.
  • Multiple DUI: Progressively harsher penalties will apply each time you are convicted of DUI. For a second DUI conviction, you will likely face longer periods of jail time, higher fines, extended periods of license revocation, and other serious consequences. A third or subsequent DUI will result in felony charges, which may lead to multi-year prison sentences, tens of thousands of dollars in fines, and license revocation for 10 years or life.
  • Felony DUI: Certain aggravating factors can elevate a DUI charge to a felony, even for a first-time offense. These factors include driving under the influence while transporting a child under the age of 16 or causing great bodily harm or death in an accident. Felony DUI charges are often very serious, carrying severe penalties and leading to a permanent criminal record.
  • Drug DUI: In addition to alcohol impairment, you can be charged with DUI if you are accused of driving while under the influence of drugs. The use of marijuana, prescription drugs, or illegal controlled substances can lead to harsh penalties, and the presence of any amount of certain drugs in your system can lead to a conviction.
  • Underage DUI: In Illinois, the legal drinking age is 21. Drivers under 21 with any trace of alcohol in their system can face DUI charges under the state's zero-tolerance policy. Penalties for underage DUI may include license suspension, fines, community service, and mandatory participation in a substance abuse program. These charges can have long-term effects on the young driver's record and their future opportunities.

Issues Affecting DUI Cases

Several critical issues can influence the outcome of a DUI case. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we can help address concerns related to:

  • Reasonable suspicion for a traffic stop: A DUI case typically begins when a police officer pulls a driver over. Officers must have reasonable suspicion that a person is engaging in illegal behavior before they can stop a vehicle. An officer may stop a driver if they observe erratic driving, traffic violations, or other indications of impairment. If the officer lacked reasonable suspicion, any evidence obtained during the stop might be challenged and potentially excluded from the case.
  • Probable cause to perform an arrest: After stopping a vehicle, the officer must have probable cause to believe that the driver has committed a crime before they can perform an arrest for DUI. Probable cause can be established through observations of the driver's behavior, physical appearance, and other factors. Without probable cause, the arrest may be deemed unlawful, and the charges could be dismissed.
  • Field sobriety tests: During traffic stops, officers may use certain physical tests to assess a driver's level of impairment. The accuracy and administration of these tests can be contested in court, especially if the officer did not follow proper protocols or if external factors affected the test results.
  • Chemical blood alcohol tests: After an arrest for DUI, law enforcement may perform tests of a driver's breath, blood, or urine tests, measuring the driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or detecting whether they have used controlled substances. The reliability of these tests can be challenged based on the maintenance and calibration of the testing equipment, the procedures followed during tests, and the timing of tests in relation to the traffic stop.

Contact Our Joliet DUI Defense Lawyer

Carlson Law Group, P.C. provides dedicated representation for those who have been accused of DUI offenses. By carefully analyzing each case, identifying procedural errors, and developing effective defense strategies, we can help defend against a conviction or work to prevent long-term penalties that may affect your license, your career, and other aspects of your life. Contact us by calling 815-710-3700 and scheduling a free, confidential consultation.

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