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Joliet Violent Crimes Lawyer

Skilled Violent Offense Defense Attorney Serving Joliet, IL

Offenses involving violence are taken very seriously by law enforcement officials in Illinois. The consequences of convictions for violent crimes can be severe, including significant prison time, hefty fines, and a long-lasting impact on a defendant's personal and professional life. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., our experienced criminal defense attorney is dedicated to providing effective legal help in these types of cases. We work to ensure that our clients have the best possible legal representation, and we work with them to determine the strategies that can help prevent a criminal conviction or reduce the charges and penalties that may affect their lives and their freedom. We can assist with violent crime cases involving charges such as:

Assault and Battery Charges

Assault and battery are two distinct yet related charges in Illinois. Assault refers to an act that causes another person to fear that they will suffer injuries or other forms of harm, while battery involves actual physical contact that causes harm or offense. Both charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies depending on the severity of the incident and any aggravating factors, such as the use of a weapon or the status of the victim (e.g., police officer, elderly person).

At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we may employ multiple different types of defense strategies to combat assault and battery charges, including:

  • Challenging the evidence: We thoroughly review the evidence presented by the prosecution, including witness statements, surveillance footage, and more. We can identify inconsistencies or weaknesses that can be used to undermine the prosecution's case.
  • Self-defense: One of the most common defenses is arguing that the defendant acted in self-defense or defense of others. This involves demonstrating that the defendant had a reasonable belief that someone was going to cause them or someone else to suffer, and they used an appropriate level of force to protect themselves or others.
  • Lack of intent: For assault and battery charges, intent plays a crucial role. We may argue that the defendant did not intend to cause fear or harm, which can help reduce or dismiss the charges.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence charges generally involve allegations of physical or sexual abuse within a household or intimate relationship. These charges can have severe consequences, including orders of protection, loss of child custody, and mandatory counseling programs, in addition to criminal penalties for domestic assault or related offenses.

Our attorney at Carlson Law Group, P.C. can provide a compassionate and strategic defense against domestic violence charges by:

  • Examining motives: In some cases, domestic violence accusations may be based on ulterior motives, such as gaining an advantage in divorce or child custody proceedings. We will investigate the circumstances and relationships involved to uncover any potential biases or false accusations.
  • Highlighting inconsistencies: We will scrutinize the accuser's statements and actions for inconsistencies that may indicate false or exaggerated claims.
  • Negotiating outcomes: In situations where a dismissal is not possible, we work to negotiate favorable outcomes, such as reduced charges or alternative sentencing options like counseling or community service.

Weapons Violations

Weapons violations in Illinois can include unlawful possession or unlawful use of different types of weapons, as well as accusations of reckless discharge of firearms. These charges can carry severe penalties, particularly when linked to other violent crimes.

Our attorney at Carlson Law Group, P.C. defends clients against weapons violations by:

  • Challenging unreasonable search and seizure: We can examine whether law enforcement conducted lawful searches of a person or their property, ensuring that any violations of the defendant's constitutional rights will be addressed correctly.
  • Proving lawful possession: In some cases, we may be able to demonstrate that the defendant possessed the weapon legally and had the proper permits or licenses.
  • Disputing the use or intent: We can work to show that a weapon was not used unlawfully or that the defendant did not intend to use it in a threatening or harmful manner.

Murder and Manslaughter

Charges of homicide, manslaughter, or murder are among the most serious violent crime charges, since they involve the unlawful killing of another person. First-degree murder, second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and reckless homicide charges can result in severe penalties.

Carlson Law Group, P.C. works to develop comprehensive defense strategies for clients facing murder and manslaughter charges by:

  • Investigating the evidence: We will conduct a thorough investigation of the crime scene, reviewing forensic evidence and witness testimonies to build a strong defense.
  • Self-defense and defense of others: We may argue that the defendant was justified in using lethal force to defend themselves or others.
  • Mitigating factors: In cases where a conviction cannot be avoided, we work to present information that may allow for a reduced sentence, such as the defendant's lack of criminal history or acting under extreme emotional distress.

Contact Our Will County Violent Crime Defense Lawyer

Because of the serious nature of violent crimes, it is crucial for anyone arrested for these offenses to seek immediate legal assistance. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we can provide a skilled defense in these situations, helping a defendant to navigate the legal system and take steps to protect their future. Contact us an set up a free consultation by calling 815-710-3700 today.

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