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Joliet Sexual Assault Attorney

Lawyer for Sexual Assault Charges in Joliet, IL

Sexual assault charges are among the most serious criminal offenses in Illinois. Accusations of these sex crimes can lead to severe penalties and long-term consequences that may affect a person for the rest of their life. A person who is convicted of sexual assault may be sentenced to multiple years in prison, be required to pay large fines, and become a registered sex offender. A skilled and experienced lawyer can help people accused of sexual assault understand the potential defense strategies that may be available in these situations.

Facing sexual assault charges can be overwhelming, and these accusations can permanently damage your reputation, limit your career opportunities, disrupt your personal relationships, and affect other areas of your life. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we can provide you with compassionate legal representation, helping you navigate the legal system, protect your rights, and develop defenses against criminal charges. By thoroughly investigating your case, closely reviewing witness testimonies and other evidence, and developing strategic defenses, we will fight to ensure that you will be treated fairly while defending against a conviction.

Types of Sexual Assault Offenses in Illinois

Illinois law identifies several distinct categories of sexual assault crimes. The specific charges will be based on the circumstances of a case and the identity of the alleged victim. Different categories of sexual assault include:

  • Criminal sexual assault: This offense involves sexual penetration with another person who did not give consent. A person may be charged with this crime if they allegedly overcame a person's resistance through force, threatened to use force or cause harm, or engaged in sexual penetration while the victim could not give consent because they were unconscious or under the influence of intoxicating substances. Other cases where this charge may apply include situations where a person allegedly engaged in sexual intercourse with a family member who was under the age of 18 or where a person in a position of authority, such as a teacher, coach, or religious leader, engaged in sexual intercourse with a child between the ages of 13 and 18. Criminal sexual assault is typically charged as a Class 1 felony, which is punishable by four to 15 years in prison.
  • Aggravated criminal sexual assault: This offense involves the same elements as criminal sexual assault, but increased charges will apply if a case allegedly involved aggravating factors such as the use or display of a weapon, the infliction of bodily harm or physical injury, a victim who was over the age of 60 or disabled, or the use of a "date rape" drug or other intoxicating substances that made it impossible for a person to give consent, or the use of threats or force against a victim under the age of 13. This offense is classified as a Class X felony. Penalties may include up to 30 years in prison, with additional jail time being added in certain cases.
  • Criminal sexual abuse: This offense involves acts of sexual conduct other than sexual intercourse, such as groping, fondling, or exposing oneself to others without their consent. A person may be charged with this crime if they allegedly engaged in sexual conduct while using force or the threat of force or if the alleged victim was unable to give consent. This offense is typically charged as a Class 4 felony, which is punishable by one to three years in prison. A person over the age of 17 may also be charged with this offense if they allegedly engaged in consensual sexual intercourse or sexual conduct with a child between the ages of nine and 17. This offense will usually result in Class A misdemeanor charges, and a person may be sentenced to up to one year in prison.
  • Aggravated criminal sexual abuse: This offense involves acts of nonconsensual sexual conduct under circumstances that elevate the severity of the offense, such as the use of a weapon, the infliction of bodily harm, threatening or endangering the life of an alleged victim or another person, an alleged victim over the age of 60 or with a disability, or the use of "date rape" drugs. Sexual conduct with a member of a person's family who is under the age of 18 or in cases where the alleged offender was over the age of 17 and the alleged victim was between the ages of 13 and 17 may also result in aggravated criminal sexual abuse charges. This offense is typically charged as a Class 2 felony, and a conviction can result in a jail sentence of three to seven years. However, sexual conduct involving a person in a position of authority and an alleged victim under the age of 18 may result in Class 1 felony charges, which can result in a prison sentence of four to 15 years.
  • Predatory criminal sexual assault of a child: This offense involves acts of sexual penetration or contact with a person's sex organs in which the alleged victim was under the age of 13. This is one of the most severe sexual offenses in Illinois, and it is classified as a Class X felony. Penalties include six to 60 years in prison, and additional jail time may be added if a person allegedly used a firearm or caused great bodily harm to the victim.

Addressing Issues Related to Consent

Consent is a critical element in sexual assault cases. Under Illinois law, consent involves freely giving agreement to an act of sexual penetration or sexual conduct. Lack of consent can be established through evidence that a person used force or threat that that the victim was unable to agree to sexual activity due to intoxication, unconsciousness, or other physical or mental states. To convict a person for sexual assault, the prosecution must prove that the act occurred without the victim's consent. A person may be able to defend against sexual assault charges by demonstrating that consent was given.

Contact Our Joliet Sexual Assault Defense Lawyer

In cases involving sexual assault charges, it is crucial to receive legal assistance as soon as possible after accusations come to light. Carlson Law Group, P.C. provides dedicated representation for people who have been accused of sexual offenses. We focus on protecting our clients' rights and reputations and helping them resolve these matters quickly and quietly. Contact us today at 815-710-3700 to schedule a complimentary consultation and start building your defense.

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