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Joliet Birth Injuries Lawyer

Holding Healthcare Providers Accountable for Birth Injuries in Joliet, IL

The birth of a child is usually an occasion that is filled with joy and anticipation. However, for some families, this joyous event can be overshadowed by the tragedy of birth injuries. These injuries can occur during pregnancy, labor, or delivery, and they can have a lasting impact on both the child and the mother. Birth injuries can range from mild to severe, and in serious cases, they can result in permanent disabilities and lifelong medical issues.

Understanding why birth injuries occur and how to address their impact can be difficult, especially when families are struggling to deal with these tragic events and make sure children and mothers receive the proper medical care. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., our experienced attorney can help determine whether birth injuries were caused by medical malpractice, and we can help families take steps to receive financial compensation that will address their ongoing needs. We are dedicated to fighting for the rights of people who have been injured and making sure they will be able to move forward from these difficult situations.

Types of Birth Injuries

In many cases, birth injuries affect children, and they may lead to long-term medical issues that will require extensive care throughout a child's lifetime. Some common birth injuries that children may suffer include:

  • Cerebral palsy: This developmental disorder can affect movement, muscle tone, and posture. It is often caused by damage to a child's developing brain during labor or shortly after birth. Oxygen deprivation during delivery, head trauma, or other issues can cause harm to the brain, leading to a variety of different types of neurological issues.
  • Brachial plexus injuries: These injuries involve damage to the network of nerves that send signals from the spine to the shoulders, arms, and hands. They often occur due to excessive pulling during delivery in situations where a child may have difficulty moving through the birth canal. Nerve damage during delivery can lead to varying degrees of paralysis in the arms or hands, including conditions such as Erb's palsy.
  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE): This condition can occur when there is a lack of oxygen and blood flow to a child's brain. Complications such as umbilical cord problems, placental abruption, or prolonged labor can lead to brain damage, and this condition may spread if it is not diagnosed and treated properly.
  • Fractures: During difficult deliveries, particularly those involving large babies or breech presentations, bones such as the clavicle (collarbone), arms, or legs can fracture. Children may also experience skull fractures that could cause harm to the brain. If these injuries do not heal correctly, they may lead to ongoing physical issues or disabilities.

Mothers may also suffer serious injuries during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, including:

  • Postpartum hemorrhage: Excessive bleeding after childbirth can pose a severe risk to the mother's health. It may result from uterine atony (when the uterus fails to contract) or trauma during delivery.
  • Infections: If proper sterilization techniques are not followed during delivery or if there are complications such as prolonged labor or ruptured membranes, a mother may contract infectious diseases that could harm her overall health.
  • Uterine rupture: This rare but severe complication involves a tear in the uterine wall, which can lead to life-threatening bleeding and other complications that can affect the health of both the mother and the baby.
  • Anesthesia complications: Errors related to epidurals or other forms of anesthesia can cause issues such as low blood pressure, severe headaches, or nerve damage.
  • Perineal tears: Tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus may tear during delivery. Severe tears can cause significant pain and complications such as infections or incontinence.

Common Forms of Medical Negligence That May Lead to Birth Injuries

Doctors, nurses, or other medical personnel may fail to provide the proper care during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Errors committed by medical professionals, failure to follow the proper procedures, or other forms of negligence can lead to serious birth injuries. Some common issues that can cause children or mothers to suffer harm include:

  • Failure to monitor: Inadequate monitoring of the baby's heart rate or the mother's vital signs can lead to missed signs of distress, resulting in preventable injuries.
  • Delayed delivery: Failure to perform a timely C-section or use other interventions when they may be medically necessary can cause prolonged oxygen deprivation and other complications.
  • Improper use of tools: Doctors may make errors when using vacuum extractors or forceps during delivery, and this can cause physical trauma to the baby.
  • Medication errors: Incorrect administration of medications such as labor-inducing drugs can lead to complications.
  • Failure to diagnose: Medical personnel may fail to identify and address conditions such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or infections. If these issues are not addressed correctly, they can endanger both the mother and the baby.

Contact Our Joliet, Illinois Birth Injury Lawyer

Following a birth injury, a family will need to ensure that they will have the resources to address health issues that may affect the child and the mother. By addressing medical negligence that led to birth injuries, a family can receive financial compensation for the harm they have suffered. Carlson Law Group, P.C. provides compassionate, dedicated representation for families who are dealing with the aftermath of birth injuries. We work to hold negligent medical professionals accountable for birth injuries so families can address their ongoing needs. Contact our office by calling 815-710-3700 to discuss your case in a free consultation. Your family's well-being is our top priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

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