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Joliet Traffic Offenses Attorney

Experienced Joliet Lawyer Protecting Your Rights in Traffic Offense Cases

Traffic offenses in Joliet and Will County can range from minor infractions to serious violations that may carry severe penalties. Navigating the complexities of traffic laws can be challenging, especially for those who may be unfamiliar with the procedures followed in these cases and the options for defense. Taking steps to address these issues correctly can be crucial, since certain traffic violations can result in the loss of a driver's license and other consequences.

At Carlson Law Group, P.C., our skilled, experienced attorney can help you determine the best course of action to address traffic offenses. We can provide guidance on how to contest violations and prevent consequences that could affect your license, your insurance rates, or other important concerns. With our understanding of the procedures followed in Will County courts, we can help ensure that these issues can be addressed and resolved successfully.

Common Types of Traffic Violations

Traffic violations may involve "minor" infractions or serious issues that could result in criminal prosecution. Some common reasons drivers are charged with violations include:

  • Speeding: Many drivers exceed the speed limits that are posted on roads and highways throughout Illinois. Excessive speeding may lead police officers to pull a driver over and issue a traffic ticket, or drivers may receive tickets through automated photo systems. Penalties for speeding can vary based on a driver's actual speed compared to the posted speed limit. While most speeding tickets are minor infractions, speeding by more than 26 miles per hour over the speed limit may result in misdemeanor charges.
  • Reckless driving: Operating a vehicle in a manner that shows a willful disregard for the safety of people or property can lead to criminal charges. In most cases, reckless driving is a misdemeanor offense, although felony aggravated reckless driving charges may apply if a violation caused someone to suffer great bodily harm, disfigurement, or permanent disabilities.
  • Driving under the influence (DUI): The use of alcohol or drugs by drivers may lead to charges of intoxicated driving. A person charged with DUI will face a variety of penalties, including thousands of dollars in fines, potential jail time, the suspension of their driver's license, and the requirement to use an ignition interlock device in vehicles they drive after their license is reinstated.
  • Running red lights or stop signs: Disobeying traffic signs or signals can be very dangerous, and it could lead to accidents affecting other drivers or pedestrians. Violators can face significant fines and other penalties, and if they are involved in accidents, they could face additional charges or be required to pay restitution to the people affected.
  • Texting while driving: Illinois law prohibits the use of electronic devices while operating a vehicle. This includes sending or reading text messages, making phone calls without using a hands-free device, or any other activities that can cause distractions for drivers. Violations can lead to fines, and repeated offenses can result in more severe penalties.

CDL Violations and Their Impact on Commercial Drivers

Commercial drivers are held to a higher standard of responsibility due to the nature of their work and the vehicles they operate. CDL violations can have significant consequences, potentially affecting a driver's ability to maintain their commercial driving privileges. Common CDL violations include excessive speeding, reckless driving, driving under the influence, and leaving the scene of an accident.

The consequences for CDL violations are often more severe than those for regular drivers. Commercial drivers can face disqualification from operating commercial vehicles, which can result in loss of employment and income.

Driver's License Reinstatement

There are multiple reasons why a person's driver's license may be suspended or revoked. In addition to helping defend against traffic violations or other charges that could lead to the loss of a license, our attorney can assist with driver's license reinstatement. We can provide representation in administrative hearings, ensuring that a person meets all requirements to regain their driving privileges and advocating for solutions that will help them avoid difficulties that may affect their employment and daily activities.

Contact Our Joliet Traffic Violations Defense Attorney

Navigating traffic laws and handling violations can be complex and stressful. However, with the right legal representation, you can effectively address these issues and work toward a resolution that protects your rights and driving privileges. At Carlson Law Group, P.C., we provide dedicated support in cases involving traffic offenses. We can help determine the most effective legal strategies to defend against violations, minimize the potential penalties, and prevent the loss of your driver's license. Contact us today at 815-710-3700 to schedule a complimentary consultation and discuss your case.

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