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Do I Need a Lawyer for My DUI Charge in Illinois?

 Posted on October 10, 2024 in DUI

IL defense lawyerDriving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal in Illinois because it increases the likelihood of car crashes that produce injuries or fatalities. If you are facing a DUI charge, you may be unaware of how serious the consequences may be. Even a first-time conviction carries various penalties that can complicate your life.

Do you need to work with an attorney if you have been charged with a DUI? What repercussions could you experience if you are convicted? An experienced DUI defense attorney from Carlson Law Group, P.C. can help you develop a solid strategy for the best possible case resolution.

What Are the Potential Consequences for an Illinois DUI Conviction?

There are several kinds of DUI charges in Illinois, each with specific penalties. It is illegal for adults 21 and older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or a THC concentration of 5+ nanograms per milliliter of whole blood or 10+ nanograms per milliliter of other bodily substances. Those under 21 are prohibited from driving with any alcohol or drugs in their systems.

DUI charges can be either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on case-specific factors:

  • A first or second DUI charge is typically a misdemeanor unless the impaired driver causes an injury or fatal collision or if a child under 16 is in the vehicle.
  • Third-time or subsequent charges are usually felonies if the first two arrests resulted in convictions.
  • If an impaired driver causes a fatal crash, the charge is typically reckless homicide.

You may also be charged for refusing to take a field sobriety test. In Illinois, you imply giving consent for these tests when you get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

The consequences for DUI convictions are progressively worse. They may include jail time, fines, license suspension, community service, mandatory substance abuse programs, and having to install an ignition interlock system in your car. Your auto insurance premiums will likely skyrocket, and a conviction may affect your ability to find a job or housing. Along with these tangible effects, you may also face condemnation from your family and friends.

How Can a Lawyer Help If You Are Charged With a DUI?

There are several ways Carlson Law Group, P.C. can help if you are faced with a DUI charge. We will investigate your arrest to see if any procedural or technical errors exist. These may result in a dismissal of your charges or exclusion of evidence, both of which can benefit you. We can challenge the accuracy of field sobriety tests if warranted.

We may also be able to negotiate with prosecutors to reduce your charge, portraying you as a person who was falsely accused or made an unfortunate mistake rather than a case number.

Call Today for Your Free Consultation With Our Experienced Joliet, IL DUI Defense Lawyer

As a former prosecutor and judge, Attorney Carlson understands how the legal system works and can use that knowledge to your advantage. Call Carlson Law Group, P.C. at 815-710-3700 for your free consultation with our dedicated Will County, IL criminal defense attorney.

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